On a visit to Hong Kong, this wine enthusiast talks History, exchanges and civilizations.
A wine merchant, Franck Géricot wishes to talk about his passion in the presence of two Chinese customers.
Saint-Emilion is before anyting else “a village deeply rooted in history”, starts Franck Géricot. Source of values and traditions, the richness of Saint-Emilion’s history contributes to giving those wines a unique character.
His presence in Hong Kong moreover gives Franck Géricot a feeling of “similarity between our own history and China’s very ancient one”. The wine merchant reminds us that during the 2nd century BC, the Han dynasty dominated thanks “to its openness to the outside world and towards exchanges”. Inspired by China, Franck Géricot draws parrallels: “Today, we have the feeling that the Hans come back to power little by little thanks to current exchanges”.
Wines particularly liked by the Chinese, the Saint-Emilion are one of the strong symbols of those exchanges: “Saint-Emilion, it’s a bridge between our history and China’s”, the wine merchant concludes.
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