During the Saint-Emilion Jazz Festival, China Moses unveiled her new album “Breaking Point”, co-written by Andy Marshall.
At the prestigious Château Pavie, you can discover before anyone else the beautiful collaboration between two artists. Andy Marshalldescribed as “A director, a complete artist and friend” by the singer China Moses, co-wrote her fourth album, “Breaking Point”. Although initially there was talk of a common work on two or three songs, the artists did not stop there. “In five days, we wrote and composed nine songs together”, says China Moses. Andy Marshall, who had previously worked with the singer on her third album “Good Lovin”, has allowed her to “Reconnecting with (her) self”. In this new album, she jazzed-up the soul and souled-up the blues. For the singer, it means “Bringing one’s knowledge and influences together into a blend”. The result is “The birth of a hybrid sound because each piece has its own rhythmic universe”. The album is thus a “Style exercise style and a tribute to black American music”, mixing pure ballad-jazz, pop song, swing or soul and funk. With this fourth album, China Moses says she has “found her musical identity”.
On the occasion of the Saint-Emilion Jazz Festival, China Moses will walk in the footsteps of her mother, Dee Dee Bridgewater, who was on the stage in 2012. Besides, just like her, China Moses “Loves red wine. I am less of a connoisseur, but I am going to discover”, she says. A play-list to accompany tasting of Saint-Emilion wine? The singer suggests “Put it on the line”, one of the songs from her new album, which will be unveiled exclusively at the Saint-Emilion Jazz Festival. For this, she will be accompanied on stage by a British quartet: “For me, the English jazz sound and soul represents the best of the mixture between the young and the old continent”. Together they will play at Château Pavie, which is “More beautiful than a small club in a basement”, she says. A unique setting for the singer to liberate her art: “I like the stage, it is my life, passion, conviction and a great chance”, China Moses says she is eager to “share her creations with the public of Saint-Emilion”, while waiting for the release of her new album “Breaking Point”, next fall.
Reserve your seat for China Moses’ concert on the Saint-Emilion Jazz Festival site.