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This finalist place, Jonathan Ducourt humbly relishes it. The 2010, 2011 and 2012 vintages appealed to the 2015 Coupe des Crus Saint-Emilion jury. The tasters praised the consistency in quality. “It’s very interesting to be compared with the whole of what is happening in neighboring Saint-Emilion. This gives us a good idea of our position in the appellation”, he says. The three distinguished vintages were born on the 5.6 hectares of clay soils of Château Jacques Noir in Saint-Etienne de Lisse.


An estate restarted only in 2001. This recognition is so perfect for the confidence, especially as it had been preceded by a first award in 2009 at the Coupe des Crus of Saint Emilion. That year, Château Jacques Noir had won a place in semifinals: “Our values ​​are dynamism, environment, innovation and the development of pleasurable wine. This reinforces our choices and encourages us to continue in this direction”, says Jonathan Ducourt.

CHÂTEAU JACQUES NOIR: 2010, 2011 AND 2012010, 2011 ET 2012

These wines are a school of precision, patience and constant attention. They had all these qualities to succeed in 2010, 2011 and 2012, contrasting years from a meteorological point of view. “to us, questioning is permanent. In wine, anyway, one should be able to change the planned route from one day to another”. This adaptability was required to make these vintages :”for years like 2010, we could afford more breeding, more extraction. For years like 2011 and 2012, we had reduced breeding to preserve the fruity side. We have a wine with perhaps less structure but it kept its fine frame”.

The result? In 2010, 2011 and 2012, “we successfully managed to bring out a pleasurable wine each time. There is a frame that allows recognizing it, but every year has its own personality”. To reach out to the wine enthusiasts, Ducourt intend to remain true to themselves: “We are making wines that look like us, wines that we want to drink, elegant, fruity and delicious wines”. Jonathan Ducourt now wishes to consolidate “the recognition and image of our wines throughout the world”. It’s a rather good start, with this final place in the 2015 Coupe des Crus de Saint-Emilion.


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