Alongside inductees from around the world, no less than five young wine players were sworn in as Jurat de Saint-Emilion. It was a real satisfaction for the owner of Château Angelus, Hubert de Boüard, who chaired the induction.
Paul-Arthur Bardet, winemaker-negotiator of Vignobles Bardet, Stephanie de Boüard-Rivoal, Deputy Director of Château Angelus, Pauline Robin Champeil, oenologist within Les Vins Robin estates, Audrey Lauret, oenologist at the Château Pindefleurs and Karl Todeschini, technical director at Châteaux Mangot et La Brande: all have in common, to be between their twenties and low-thirties, have been brought up in wine and to have passionately chosen to reclaim the family torch. Inducted as Jurats, they are the future of Saint-Emilion. For the Premier Jurat, Hubert de Boüard: “This is a general wish that a new wave comes and takes over. We are only a link of the chain of Saint-Emilion many millennias history and eight hundred years of the Jurade”, he says, before adding:” This is a legacy that we have acquired. We must prepare for the future and pass on”.
If the Spring Festival in 2015 highlighted the youthfulness of the Saint-Emilion appellations, it once again allowed the measurement of the attractiveness of these wines far beyond French borders. China, Japan, Malaysia, Australia, Mauritius, England, Germany, Belarus, Canada are some of the countries of origin of the members of the Saint-Emilion Jurade. “First, it demonstrates the vitality of Saint-Emilion. If people are coming then it also means that they like Saint-Emilion and it’s a dream for them to be there”, notes Hubert de Boüard. After the excitement of the induction, the new Pair de la Jurade, Dame de la Jurade, Prud’homme de la Jurade, Vigneron d’Honneur and Bourgeois de Saint-Emilion took their place at the dinner created by starred chef Alain Passard, served in an impressive transparent structure erected in the middle of the vineyards, facing the Grandes Murailles de Saint-Emilion. The actress and producer Julie Gayet, former Minister and Senator François Barouin, and actress Michèle Laroque were notably present. The opportunity for Hubert de Boüard to celebrate, close to the entrance of the medieval village was “a unique atmosphere in an absolutely amazing place”.