A true child of the region, the distinguished neurosurgeon Jean-Didier Vincent tells us about his family story and Saint-Emilion.
Born in Libourne, just a few kilometers from Saint-Emilion, Jean-Didier Vincent has always known the world of wine: “my father was a wine merchant in Castillon, and my grand-father was a broker. I sometimes went to the vineyards with them accompanied by the owners”. So the very young Jean-Didier Vincent grew up in a family where wine was a real way of life “as a small child, I loved the name Trotte Vieille…it rang like a fairy name to a kid of my age!” Today, despite his travels, he is still a Saint-Emilion wines lover “my heart leans towards Saint-Emilion, amongst other things because I was born there, my geographical impregnation that has landed me here”.
So Jean-Didier Vincent is a wine connoisseur but is also knowledgeable on the area. According to him, the region’s vineyards have a small particularity: “there have always been famous owners in Saint-Emilion like Mrs Fournier ou Christine Valette, it must be a very feminine wine.” But it surely is the numerous terriors that gives Saint-Emilion wines their unique character: “you walk 200 metres and it’s not the same terroir anymore, the wine is radically different!” Jean-Didier Vincent assures that the great strength of Saint-Emilion wines, “is the diversity, the prestige that has highs and lows, but above all the geographical beauty that imposes a certain conduct to the wines made there”.