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What is the Agriconfiance certification ?

certification agriconfiance saint emilion

Agriconfiance is an essential label in the agricultural and wine industry, emphasizing trust in our food system.

It encompasses principles such as:

  • Traceability,
  • sustainability and product safety,
  • and promotes transparency and accountability.

Agriconfiance strengthens the links between producers, consumers and the entire agri-food chain. By guaranteeing the quality and origin of agricultural products, it enables consumers to make informed choices. By promoting sustainable practices and strengthening trust between players in the chain, Agriconfiance contributes to a more resilient, ethical and sustainable food system.


Agri Confiance, a commitment to quality for consumers

Agri Confiance’s global approach to quality considers the entire production chain. Each stage, from farming to shipping, meets demanding criteria. Being aware of what we consume means knowing the origin and processing of the food we buy.

A committed agricultural cooperative


Agri Confiance brings together different agricultural production sectors, both plant and animal. The cooperative focuses on sensible practices, fair remuneration for producers and local development.

This is an economic organization in which farmers, who are both owners and suppliers or customers, collectively manage their means of production, processing and marketing.

Responsible, sustainable agriculture


Agri Confiance offers Made in France products that respect people, resources and the environment. To guarantee and certify this approach, member cooperatives must comply with standards certified by independent bodies, as well as with common requirements.

vignerons dans le vignoble de saint-emilion

Agriconfiance certification: important, recognized values


Agriconfiance certification is based on 4 key values. High standards and product transparency are at the heart of Agriconfiance’s concerns.

In addition, a continuous improvement approach is undertaken, with the aim of going even further in terms of respect for people and the environment. Proximity is fostered with all players in the value chain, including farmers, cooperatives, distributors and consumers. Finally, solidarity and fairness are promoted through the sharing of know-how and values.

The 4 pillars of the Agriconfiance label

In the Saint-Emilion vineyards, two cooperatives have been awarded the Agriconfiance label, recognized by the Union des Producteurs de Saint-Emilion and the winegrowers of Puisseguin Lussac Saint-Emilion, representing a total of 250 winegrowers. To obtain this label, it is essential to meet rigorous criteria based on 4 pillars.


High standards and transparency

First and foremost, it is essential to guarantee quality by ensuring product traceability, specifying origin and ensuring food safety, while adopting transparent practices.


A progressive approach

Secondly, we need to support our winegrowers and preserve the local terroir. This means limiting the use of inputs, favoring plant cover to preserve the soil and promoting an environmentally-friendly approach.



Agri Confiance is at the heart of the territories. The idea is to bring together the various stakeholders, including winegrowers, cooperatives, distributors and consumers.


Solidarity and equity

Cooperation is at the heart of the Agri Confiance label. Sharing knowledge and expertise equitably and with mutual respect.

These Agriconfiance-labeled cooperatives demonstrate their commitment to responsible viticultural practices that respect the environment, guarantee product quality and contribute to the preservation of the Saint-Émilion terroir.


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