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See you in Saint-Emilion on 21 & 22 september!

25th anniversary of the UNESCO inscription & European Heritage Days in Saint-Emilion

In 1999, the Saint-Emilion vineyard became the first to be recognised by UNESCO as a cultural landscape. 25 years later, the wines of Saint-Emilion and the 8 villages of the Jurisdiction will be celebrating this recognition with a weekend of festivities!


It’s taking place on 21 & 22 September 2024 throughout the Saint-Emilion vineyard, and it’s going to be incredible!


European Heritage Days, torchlight procession of the Jurade de Saint-Emilion, visits to historic monuments, discovery tables, concerts and events for all the family, the Harvest Proclamation… We reveal the full programme in this article.

The Jurisdiction of Saint-Emilion

From our Past, We create our Future

The full programme at a glance




Free and without reservation. CapSciences workshops start at a fixed time.


  • From 10 am to 10 pm – Free access to Lou Béret medieval games in the Cloister of the Collegiate Church of Saint-Emilion
  • From 11 am to 1:15 pm & from 2:30 pm to 6 pm– Bâti Romain workshops run by CapSciences in the Porte Saint-Martin park



Free and without reservation. Doors open 30 min before.


  • 11 am – Concert of Vino Voce in Saint-Emilion (free, no booking required)
  • 2:30 pm – Concert of Vibra’sons band in the church of Vignonet (free, no booking required)
  • Begins at 5 pm – Concerts by the Opéra de Bordeaux orchestra at different places in Saint-Emilion : Grand Lavoir, Petit Lavoir, Place du Clocher, Place de l’Eglise Monolithe



Information and bookings at the Saint-Emilion Tourist Office


  • Between 10:15 am and 5:45 pm – “Quick” tours of the monolithic church in French and English (duration 30 min – 5€ per person – booking required)
  • 10:30 am – UNESCO walk with landscape reading (duration 2h – 20€ per person – booking required)
  • 11 am – Gourmet Stories tour with local specialities (duration 1h30 – 20€ per person – booking required)
  • 11h – Guided tour of the Collegiate Church and its cloister by David SOUNY (start place Pioceau – free)
  • Between 1:30 pm and 5:30 pm – Tours of the underground monuments in French and English (duration 30 min – 15€ per person – booking required)
  • 2:30 pm – Guided tour of Saint-Emilion’s main historical monuments by David SOUNY (start place Cap du Pont – free)
  • 3 pm UNESCO Round Table – 3 exceptional World Heritage vineyards share their views (Free – Booking required)
  • 4 pm – Theatrical visit “Saint-Emilion under the Revolution (duration 1h30 to 2h – 20€ per person – booking required)
  • 4 pm – Guided tour by David SOUNY of the Logis de Malet and its surroundings (start place Pioceau – free)
  • 5:30 pm – Masterclass Riedel (50€ per person, on registration)




10:15 pm – Departure of the Jurade de Saint-Emilion parade, from the Place Bouqueyre to the Tour du Roy

11 pm – Pyrotechnic show and fireworks from the Tour du Roy





Free and without reservation. CapSciences workshops start at a fixed time.


  • From 10 pm to 6 pm – Free access to Lou Béret medieval games in the Cloister of the Collegiate Church of Saint-Emilion
  • From 11 am to 1:15 pm & from 2:30 pm to 6 pm – Bâti Romain workshops run by CapSciences in the Porte Saint-Martin park



Free and without reservation. Doors open 30 min before.


  • 4 pm – Concert of the Petits Chanteurs de Bordeaux in the church of Saint-Laurent-des-Combes (free, no booking required)
  • 5 pm – Concert of the vocal quartet Le Plisson in the church of Saint-Hippolyte (free, no booking required)
  • 5:30 pm – Concert of the Heaven Gospel band in the church of Saint-Etienne-de-Lisse (free, no booking required)



Information and bookings at the Saint-Emilion Tourist Office & and the Town Hall of Saint-Christophe-des-Bardes for the walk


  • 10 am – 6km walk through the vineyards, starting from the Saint-Christophe-des-Bardes town hall, followed by a tasting session (free and open to all – no booking required)
  • Between 10:15 am and 5 pm – “Quick” tours of the monolithic church in French and English (duration 30 min – 5€ per person – booking required)
  • Bewteen 1:30 pm and 5:30 pm – Tours of the underground monuments in French and English (duration 30 min – 15€ per person – booking required)
  • 2 pm – UNESCO walk with landscape reading (duration 2h – 20€ per person – booking required)
  • 2:30 pm – Gourmet Stories tour with local specialities (duration 1h30 – 20€ per person – booking required)



One of the great annual events of the 8-hundred-year-old brotherhood! Come and meet the Jurats, our guardians of tradition, during the various key moments of this festive day, which will conclude with the unmissable Harvest Proclamation!


  • 10 am – Jurade de Saint-Emilion mass in the Collegiate Church of Saint-Emilion
  • 11:30 am – Inductions in the moat of the Palais Cardinal, visible from the Place du Maréchal Leclerc
  • 5:30 pm – Jurade de Saint-Emilion parade to the Tour du Roy for the Harvest Proclamation

UNESCO ROUND TABLE - A cross-section of 3 exceptional World Heritage vineyards

Free, with online registration

Saturday 21 September 2024 – from 3pm to 4.30pm (doors open at 2.30pm) – Logis de Malet (Saint-Emilion)


In France, 3 vineyards are listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The first was Saint-Emilion in 1999, followed by Bourgogne and Champagne in 2015.

To mark the 25th anniversary of the inscription of the Saint-Emilion vineyard, Jacques Olivier Pesme, Executive Director of Wine Origins Alliance, is doing us the honour of hosting a unique round table discussion.

Over the next 1h30, we’ll be sharing some thoughts on the issues affecting our listed vineyards: climate change, the environment, preservation of cultural landscapes, wine tourism, cultural landscapes, wine tourism… and so on.



Online booking


50€ per person, online booking

Saturday 21 September 2024 – from 5.30pm to 7pm (doors open at 5pm) – Salle des Dominicains (Saint-Emilion)



You wouldn’t believe how important the container is … even when it comes to tasting water!

To mark the 25th anniversary of the Saint-Emilion vineyard’s UNESCO listing, take part in a masterclass (in English – headphones with French translation available on request) hosted by Maximilan Riedel in the Salle des Dominicains in Saint-Emilion. In front of you, a selection of wines and sparkling wines, all from a UNESCO-listed vineyard: a white Burgundy, a red Burgundy, a Saint-Emilion wine and a glass of Champagne to finish!

An exceptional event that 130 people will be able to share, and the cherry on the cake is that you can take home your tasting kit and repeat the exercise at home with other wines!



 Online booking

saint emilion wine trip

21 & 22 september 2024

The Saint-Emilion Wine Trip is settling in!

Sit back and relax in front of the Maison du Vin de Saint-Emilion and discover the wines of Saint-Emilion with our Wine Truck! Wines by the glass, bottle and good advice from our winemakers!

25th anniversary of the UNESCO inscription & European Heritage Days in Saint-Emilion

Discover the Juridiction of Saint-Emilion

Of course, this weekend of celebrations is an opportunity to (re)discover the vineyard through its reading tables, but that’s not all!

Discover the 8 villages of the Juridiction through these tables retracing the history of the vineyard.

For a more immersive experience, scan the QR Code on each table and let the story of the Juridiction be told to you.



For the full programme and more information on the UNESCO listing, visit the official website

 Saint-Emilion UNESCO official website


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