The Jurade de Saint-Emilion Spring Festival is an event deeply rooted in the history of the town, celebrating the renewal of nature in spring.
Every year in June, the Jurade de Saint-Emilion gathers to celebrate the life that animates the vines, transforming flowers into promising bunches of grapes.
Over the years, this traditional event has become a tribute to the beauty and vitality of nature, and to the art of viticulture.
Picture : © Guillaume Bonnaud et Alban Gilbert
During the festivities for the 2024 edition of the Fête de Printemps, 19 new Jurade Saint-Emilion dignitaries were inducted.
In the morning, the procession went to the Collegiate Church of Saint-Emilion for the traditional Jurade mass, before finishing in the Monolithic Church of Saint-Emilion, where the inductions took place.
These 19 inductees in turn became ambassadors for Saint-Emilion wines, proudly bearing the colors of this exceptional terroir.
Inductees also include :
His Excellency André Magnus EKOUMOU, Ambassador Permanent Delegate of Cameroon to Unesco, and Personal Representative of the Head of State to the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF).
David ABIKER, classical radio journalist.
Bernard ASSIENE, senior international UN official and Inspector General of UNESCO in Paris.
Philippine DELAIRE, actress and humorist from Bordeaux.
Jean-François RUBLER, Interregional Customs Director for the Nouvelle Aquitaine region.
The Fête de Printemps 2024 lunch was held in the prestigious Salle des Dominicains of the Conseil des Vins de Saint-Emilion.
This year’s event was marked by music, with piano pieces between courses and the GET7 Brass band in the procession, highlighting the beauty and richness of Saint-Emilion’s vineyards.
12 wines were served at the Fête de Printemps 2024 lunch.
These wines, carefully selected in harmony with the menu proposed by Humblot traiteur, proudly represented the 4 appellations of the Saint-Émilion vineyards :
Lussac Saint-Émilion,
Puisseguin Saint-Émilion,
Saint-Émilion and Saint-Émilion Grand Cru.
It was a day of special moments, where guests were able to appreciate the subtlety of the grape varieties and the story behind each bottle.
These wines reflected the excellence and diversity of Saint-Emilion’s terroirs at this 2024 edition of the Jurade’s Spring Festival.
In September 2024, and as every year on the 3rd Sunday of the month, the Ban des Vendanges will take place in Saint-Emilion, celebrating the vine cycle and the harvest period.
This year, Saint-Emilion will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of its inclusion on the Unesco World Heritage List, as well as the 140th anniversary of the founding of the Saint-Emilion Wine Council.
The next ceremony will celebrate the freshly harvested 2024 vintage, symbolizing the link between the vineyard’s past and its future.