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Terra Vitis certification: An ecological commitment for sustainable wines

certification terra vitis dans le vignoble de saint-emilion

Terra Vitis certification is an environmental label dedicated to sustainable viticulture, recognized as level 2 by the French government. Its aim is to reconcile the production of quality wines with respect for the environment.

Terra Vitis takes several aspects of winegrowing into account:

  • agro-ecological vineyard management,
  • the well-being of employees,
  • and fair remuneration for the winemaker.

Vineyard and cellar inputs are kept to a minimum at every stage from production to vinification and marketing. The development of soil life is favored, and every intervention is reasoned, justified and limited to what is strictly necessary.

Terra Vitis certified winegrowers are committed to adopting sustainable agricultural practices that respect biodiversity, water and energy, as well as social and societal aspects.

Within the 4 Saint-Emilion appellations (Lussac Saint-Emilion, Puisseguin Saint-Emilion, Saint-Emilion and Saint-Emilion Grand Cru), some 15 winegrowers are Terra Vitis certified.

Sustainable farming practices that respect the environment and people

Terra Vitis certification is based on rigorous specifications governing the agricultural practices of winegrowers. They must implement environmentally-friendly techniques for disease and pest management. They have a list of prohibited products (CMR1 as in HEV) and a restrictive list (CMR2 with a maximum FTI), thus reducing the impact of chemical products on the environment.


Preserving biodiversity

Terra Vitis-certified winegrowers take concrete steps to protect and preserve biodiversity on their estates. They promote the harmonious cohabitation of vines, flora and fauna through actions such as hedge planting, the creation of natural areas and the preservation of natural habitats. These actions help to maintain and promote local biodiversity.

Responsible water and energy management

Sustainable winegrowing implies responsible management of natural resources. Terra Vitis-certified winegrowers are committed to apply rational irrigation practices, adapt water supply to the actual needs of the vines and avoid wastage. In addition, they optimize their energy consumption by adopting energy-efficient measures and promoting the use of renewable energies, such as solar power.


Social and societal aspects

Terra Vitis certification also integrates social and societal aspects. Certified winegrowers ensure compliance with occupational health and safety standards, guaranteeing safe working conditions for their employees. They also promote local employment and ethical business practices, thus contributing to the economic and social development of their region.

cause environnementale dans le vignoble de saint-emilion

Certification of Terra Vitis practices

As part of the certification, winegrowers must provide detailed justifications for their practices, guaranteeing the transparency and traceability of their actions. These justifications cover several essential aspects of sustainable viticulture.

  • Traceability of treatments is one of the key requirements of Terra Vitis. Winegrowers must record and document all treatments carried out on their vines, including the products used, the dates of application and the doses applied. This makes it possible to accurately monitor the use of phytosanitary products and verify their compliance with environmental standards.
  • Traceability of fertilization is an important requirement. Winegrowers must record the fertilization methods used, the types of fertilizers applied, the quantities used and the dates of application. This traceability makes it possible to control the reasoned use of fertilizers and minimize the risks of soil and water resource pollution.
  • Soil analyses are also necessary to assess the actual nutrient requirements of vines. Winegrowers need to carry out regular soil analyses to identify any deficiencies and adapt their fertilization practices accordingly. These analyses contribute to a more precise use of fertilizers, thus reducing environmental impact.
  • Plot mapping is a recommended Terra Vitis practice. Winegrowers are encouraged to draw up precise maps of their plots, indicating in particular areas with specific environmental challenges. These maps help to better target interventions and optimize the use of resources.
  • Waste management is another aspect of this certification. Winegrowers must provide vouchers for the removal of waste from the winery, ensuring that it is disposed of correctly and in accordance with current regulations. This includes cellar waste.
  • When it comes to plant protection products, it imposes strict standards. Certified winegrowers must comply with a limit of 0% CMR (carcinogenic, mutagenic, reprotoxic) type 1, which includes the most dangerous substances for human health and the environment.
  • Terra Vitis certification also sets quantitative targets for nitrogen management and weed control. Winegrowers must ensure that they do not exceed a maximum of 60 units of nitrogen per hectare per year, thus limiting the risk of groundwater pollution. In addition, less than two-thirds of the soil surface must be weeded, thus promoting biodiversity and soil preservation.

Terra Vitis

The certification guarantees the sustainability and quality of our wines. Certified winegrowers undergo annual audits by independent control bodies to verify compliance with certification criteria. Terra Vitis certified wines carry a label attesting to their origin and environmentally-friendly production methods. By choosing Terra Vitis-certified wines, consumers support winegrowers committed to a responsible approach and contribute to the preservation of the environment.


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