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AREA, environmentally-friendly agriculture, the major certification in Saint-Emilion.

certification area dans le vignoble de saint-emilion

AREA (Agriculture Respectueuse de l’Environnement en Nouvelle-Aquitaine – Environmentally-friendly agriculture in New Aquitaine) is a level 2 certification which aims to guarantee that agricultural production, cultivation practices and environmental impacts comply with a set of 10 measures, also known as good practices, in favor of preserving the environment. These measures cover aspects such as :

  • preserving biodiversity,
  • fertilization,
  • water resource management,
  • phytosanitary practices,
  • effluents…

All while taking into account the life cycle of flora and fauna.


The AREA certification facilitates access to HEV (High Environmental Value) certification, and also makes it possible to apply for financial aid to finance projects. By adopting AREA certification, Saint-Emilion winegrowers are demonstrating their commitment to sustainable, responsible agriculture, paving the way for a greener, more environmentally-friendly future in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region.

The 7 challenges of the AREA certification

Fertilizers: Minimize the environmental impact of livestock effluents and fertilizers.

Phytosanitary products: Reduce the environmental impact of phytosanitary products.

Water management: Rationalize water withdrawals for sustainable use.

Biosafety: Guarantee the prevention of health risks for animals and humans.

Biodiversity conservation: Preserving and expanding biological diversity.

Plant residue management: Eliminating pollution associated with the processing of plant products.

Energy: Promoting energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources.

vignoble de saint emilion au lever du soleil

How to obtain the AREA certification?

First, an inventory of the vineyard is carried out. The AREA consultant assesses the seven issues mentioned above on the farm of the person concerned. He identifies the necessary measures to be taken.

Following this first stage, the vineyard exploitation may need to be brought up to standard, depending on the recommendations of the consultant, and the winegrower may be eligible for public aid (Programme de Compétitivité et d’Adaptation des Exploitations Agricoles – Farm Competitiveness and Adaptation Program) for farm modernization.


Support is provided by the consultant. Once the necessary adjustments have been made, the AREA consultant checks that the operation complies with AREA standards.

The application for certification is made in collaboration with the AREA advisor: the operator submits an application for certification to the Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine.

Finally, once the application for certification has been approved, the operator receives the AREA certification, valid for a renewable period of 3 years. During this period, the operator continues to benefit from the support and follow-up provided by his consultant.

The AREA certification and Saint-Emilion wines


More than 2,000 vineyards in the region are certified, including 6 in Lussac Saint-Emilion, 2 in Puisseguin Saint-Emilion, 26 in Saint-Emilion and 20 in Saint-Emilion Grand Cru.


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